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 Home China Market
Entry Research
Industry chain research
B2B Competitor enterprise research
B2B User satisfaction survey
B2B Brand research and branding
B2B Enterprise decision-making center
B2B Purchase key factors analysis
B2B Research Value Contents Methodology

B2B Research

Segment market scale

- Industry scale
- Cycle phases of the industry development
- Industry competition structure
- Product import & export situations, major import & export countries and regions
- Production and sales of the product segment market/regional market as well as the development trend and the growth force
- The influence of the import & export market against the China domestic market, as well as the development trend of the import & export

Industry chain research

- Product industry chain structure research
- Market technology development trend
- Raw material development trend
- Replacement product analysis and forecast

B2B Competitor enterprise research

- The quantity and structure of the industry production enterprises and its evolution
- Industry concentration analysis
- Industry competition pattern
- Study of TOP 30 competitor enterprises

B2B User satisfaction survey

- Target client group base analysis
- User satisfaction evaluation

B2B Brand research and branding

- Client use and brand awareness
- Drive factors of the client loyalty
- Effectiveness analysis of the marketing channels
- Best practice suggestions for the product market, sales and after-sales services

B2B Enterprise decision-making center analysis

- Purchase decision-making center organization structure
- Purchase key decision-makers and influencers
- Client purchase decision-making workflow

BB2B Purchase key factors analysis

- Client purchase data analysis
- Vendor audit standard
- Purchase key factors weight analysis
- Special client study


Tel: (+86 21)6070 5700

E-mail: info@china-market.com.cn

Address:1F,No.7, International Research&Development Base, Lane 2999, Hutai Road, Shanghai Post code: 200444